FLAVOUR IN FOCUS: More Peas Please.
The humble pea. Whether they are Snap Peas, Snow Peas or Petit Pois, these little, typically green, gems are quite versatile. Most folks only think of peas as the vegetable you boil, steam or mush to eat with fish and chips, but within the beverage space, the humble pea has been making flavour waves for quite a while.
From being the sustainable starting point of craft spirits to being an integral part of creating rich and complex non-alcoholic bases in the fast-growing no/low space, the pea is holding its own in this innovative space.
Unlike most vegetables, incorporating peas is far less intense. The subtle sweetness and earthy notes make the pea the ideal flavour note to incorporate into RTD cocktails aiming to subtly inject a more adult sweetness into their drink.
Our in-house applications expert, Lauren, has created a simple cocktail blend using our award-winning Pea KiiNote® that you can try for yourself:
Peas on the Beach is made using our Pea KiiNote® ; Rose Water (Bulgarian) KiiNote® ; and Vanilla (Madagascan) KiiNote®.
For a kitchen cupboard version: In a shaker, take 50ml of vanilla vodka (or a non-alcoholic alternative), 50ml of lime juice, 25ml of simple syrup (or to taste), 25 ml of pea juice.
Shake well and pour over crushed ice. For a final flourish add sweet pea flowers to garnish. Not only do peas provide a complex earthy vibe to your application – it forms the perfect hero ingredient for sustainability-conscious brands. The modest pea, with its nitrogen-fixing properties, reduces the need for energy-intensive fertilizers whilst providing added nitrogen for other crops.
Our peas are picked less than 2 miles from the distillery where the farmer personally delivers them by tractor. The fresh peas are gently infused in water and ethanol before being distilled by the Master Distiller, resulting in our perfectly pure and natural Pea KiiNote® .
Omega Ingredients, part of the Robertet Group, prides itself on championing nature in all its forms. We have used our natural, sustainably sourced KiiNote® , like the Pea KiiNote® , to create memorable applications for some of the world’s most innovative brands, helping them deliver that perfect balance of herbal and earthy flavour in their beverages.
Interested in finding out more about unusual flavours and extracts capable of enhancing your product? Then contact us at and let’s collaborate on your next application.